Old Covington Street Scenes

Here are some photos of the streets in Covington from the 1900's to 1930's. 

Click on the individual images to see a larger version.

Gibson Street between N. New Hampshire and N. Columbia, looking east

Probably Columbia St. looking northward from Rutland St. 

The building at left is D.M. Wadsworth & Bro., General Merchandise. 
At far right is Babington & Co.

Columbia Street looking northward towards Boston St. 

Old Haik Store

From Boston Street looking southward

Louisiana Avenue

Corner Gibson and Columbia Streets, with Little Napoleon House in background

The Napoleon House, one of the oldest structures in Covington, at the southwest corner of the Gibson Street, Columbia Street intersection. 

Columbia Street, mid-block between Boston and Gibson Streets, view towards the south where the Art Association building is today.

Gibson Street, looking eastward from N. New Hampshire. The two story Patrick Hotel (Hebert's Cleaners) building in center of frame with tree in front.

Snow on Gibson Street, looking eastward

Gibson Street, looking eastward from N. New Hampshire. At left "Covington Restaurant" is approximately where Mattina Bella restaurant is today. (Formerly Nathan's Sandwich Shop)

Gibson Street looking east


Looking southward on Columbia Street from Boston Street

The old Parkview Theater location, southeast corner of Boston and N. New Hampshire. Over the years home to a Ford dealership, Hebert's Drugs, Dunning's Flower Shop, del Porto's Restaurant

Old Covington Motors Ford Dealership, corner Boston and N. New Hampshire

Gibson Street train depot

View Down North New Hampshire Street towards Boston Street

Gibson St. Looking towards Columbia, side of Little Napoleon Bar

Southeast corner of Boston and Columbia Streets

Theobald Brothers Blacksmith Shop